Tuesday, June 21, 2011

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Getting ready for summer camp.

These are pirate ships fir adventure camp next week.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Luke's 7th Birthday Party

Look at that style

Michael the high scorer of the night

Josh bowls with style

Dylan the serious bowler

Luke's 7th Birthday party was a Rodeo Lanes in Clovis it was pizza and bowling fun all afternoon.

All of the gang

Chris making a spare

Jeffery looking cool

Josh bowling with style

The older sister and her friends

Savannah looking like a pro!

Luke said "can you cut out the
 baseball for my piece!"

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rookies Baseball Pictures

This past weekend we were able to purchase some pictures of Luke from All action shots.  Luke was really excited about his baseball pictures.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Another day of riding

This is a little over 8 miles from our camp.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Luke's First Baseball Game.

Pre-game press conference. 
                  Warming up for the game.
Luke played his first baseball game today. 
It was the Giants vs. Red Socks 
He went 2/3 and had a blast!  
Next game is Thursday.
Playing catcher. Luke said
"that was not  a fun position"
Ready to score

Waiting to bat.

Let's play ball!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The New TTR-90, Ready to Ride!

Since we got Savannah's bike we have made a few modifications.  After pulling off the 22 and all the Black backgrounds we were able to replace them with a set of stickers from One Industries stickers that are Purple, Pink and white.  Of course Savannah wanted to  put the Black Fox sticker on each side she said that it looks "cool.'  Now we can not wait to take it riding!  It looks like it will be trip time really soon!

Savannah's First Softball Game

Savannah played her first softball game at Cedarwood today and she got a great hit! Although she was not to happy that she forgot her new bat.  The games are 2 innings long and they allow all nine batters to bat each inning.  Next week she will have two games because one was canceled because of rain.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Posters for the Kids Rooms!

I asked my brother to design some posters that we could hang up in my kids rooms I was able to print them out at my work, so here they are.  Now we have to find a place to hang them up!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One new and one improved!

This weekend I took the family out to the Desert for some riding and we purchased Savannah a new motorcycle well new to us.  It is a TTR-90 with an electric start this means that I will not hear Dad the bike stalled again can you start it. Savannah will be changing the number from 22 to 16, so look for a new picture when that happens.
  On the trail rides that we went on Luke was having problems because the training wheels that we had put on his bike made it harder for him to keep on the path so when we got back to camp we decided to try taking them off.  After a little instruction he was off and riding with out training wheels he was so happy and is now bugging me to go riding again!  I will have to see if there is a open field that we can take him out on soon.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Softball clinic.

Savannah and Kylie both participated in the Fresno State Winter
softball clinic and learned about hitting and pitching.

Posted via email from Brian Enns's Moments